Saturday, October 8, 2011

Process of Relationship

As my first official blog post, I wanted to use this opportunity to express how important this process has recently become to me. Each day I see more couples making decisions about their future family, whether planned or not, mostly unsure, but the process of relationship.

Adoption is a process of relationship. Built of trust while ebbing and flowing of clarity and emotion but always moving.

I often get asked by my close friends about how the adoption "is going" for us. And mostly there isn't much to report as far as action, but still waters run deep. For the past 18 months or so, we have been hopeful and trusting that we have done all that can be done and that God has a plan. For me it is a saving grace to know that there is a plan and I fully trust in it.

Thank you to those that have supported us so far through our garage sales, coffee sales, designer notecards and kind words. They have certainly helped and please remember - as you read this - that you are the person you are because of the way people loved and cared for you. Through adoption we hope to share that love with someone too.

1 comment:

  1. Nice words Bryan - I can not wait until we get to celebrate the newest Barts member in our lives. We know from experience with Dominic that you will be beyond exceptional parents. We love you guys lots.
